A Bike Skills Area Joins This Park’s Pump Track!

By DullesMoms, Aug 2021

Brookfield Park’s new Bicycle Skills Area is now open to the community as of June 2021!

Located in Springfield, VA, the new installation includes six professionally built, low-maintenance wood and steel features that provide new cycling challenges and opportunities. This new feature surrounds the existing pump track — a small, looping bicycle trail system that riders navigate by pumping with their arms and legs, rather than pedaling (check out pictures of the pump track here).

Brookfield Park is located at 7417 Floyd Ave., Springfield, Virginia, and the new bicycle skills area is located in the field behind the basketball court.

If this new addition to the park system excites you, be sure to visit the pump track (50′ x 100′) at Lake Fairfax Park, too! Check out some pictures here.


Brookfield Park • Springfield, VA (Map)


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