Hip, Hop, Hooray: Egg My Yard!

These opportunities are over; visit our calendar for up-to-date fun!

The Easter Bunny has enlisted some of his best friends to help hide eggs in your yard! These places will hide eggs for you — so when your little ones awake, your family will enjoy an egg-packed morning!

Egg My Yard, Presented by the Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company
Hip! Hop! Hooray! On March 30, 2024, Leesburg Volunteer Fire Company members will hide 30 stuffed eggs throughout your yard for a donation.


Egg My Yard, Presented by the Miss Arlington Scholarship Organization
On March 30, 2024, the Miss Arlington Scholarship Organization will be filling lawns throughout the community with Easter eggs!


Egg My Yard FUNdraiser
With this joint FUNdraiser by Lovettsville Elementary School PTO & Cub Scout Pack 962, your children will wake up to a magical surprise- Colorful Easter Eggs hidden around your yard! On the evening of March 30, 2024, volunteer bunnies will stop at your house to hide the eggs!


Egg My Yard
Girl Scout Troop 2212 is hosting an Easter-themed fundraiser for residents of Loudoun County (Aldie, Brambleton, Ashburn, and South Riding). Easter eggs will be stashed in your yard, filled with candy and/or toys for the enjoyment of your children, on March 30, 2024.


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Important Disclaimer: Events/opportunities on DullesMoms.com are curated from public sources and subject to changes/cancellations that might not be reflected. Always click on the provided event link to confirm details.  

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