SoberRide — a Free Safe Ride Program

By DullesMoms, Oct 2023

Washington Region Alcohol Program’s (WRAP) SoberRide is a free, safe ride program for would-be impaired drivers!

Operating on select holidays for adults 21 and older, SoberRide provides a free Lyft ride home (up to $15, users are financially responsible for anything over $15).

To use this service, plan ahead. Ensure you have a Lyft account (AndroidApple). Then save and check this link. A couple of days before the holiday (see below), WRAP will announce a code to be used in the Lyft app (enter the code in the app’s payment tab under the “Add Lyft Pass”).

Currently, SoberRide operates during the December/January holiday season, St. Patrick’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Independence Day, and Halloween. This offer is available in limited quantities and valid in Lyft’s Washington, DC, metropolitan coverage area. You cannot reserve a SoberRide or schedule a pickup in advance.


Important Disclaimer: Events/opportunities on are curated from public sources and subject to changes/cancellations that might not be reflected. Always click on the provided event link to confirm details.  
