Abraham Lincoln: Celebrate His Life & Legacy

By DullesMoms, Aug 2023

Abraham Lincoln’s enduring popularity can be attributed to his leadership role during the Civil War, as well as his tireless efforts to abolish slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment. Step back in history and get to know Lincoln a little more at these sites dedicated to his life and legacy:

Lincoln Memorial • Washington, DC
The Lincoln Memorial is a must-visit monument dedicated to Abraham Lincoln. Located on the western end of the National Mall, it features a massive seated sculpture of Lincoln (the statue of Lincoln is 19 feet high and weighs 175 tons)! The interior also houses inscriptions of Lincoln’s famous speeches, including the Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Address. Learn more about the memorial’s history and significance from the National Park Service.


Ford’s Theatre • Washington, DC
Ford’s Theatre, where President Abraham Lincoln lost his life in 1865, not only hosts live performances to this very day, but is also a popular museum hosting more than 650,000 visitors a year! See exhibits that delve into Lincoln’s presidency and the Civil War era, step inside the actual theatre where Lincoln was assassinated, and explore the events surrounding Lincoln’s final hours.


The Petersen House • Washington, DC
After being shot at Ford’s Theatre, Abraham Lincoln was carried across the street to the Petersen House, where he ultimately passed away. The Petersen House is now a historic site where you can learn about the events leading to Lincoln’s death and the efforts to save him.


President Lincoln’s Cottage • Washington, DC
Located on the grounds of the Armed Forces Retirement Home, President Lincoln’s Cottage served as Lincoln’s summer retreat during his presidency. It’s a place where he made significant decisions, including finalizing the Emancipation Proclamation. The site offers guided tours that provide insights into Lincoln’s private life and his thoughts on slavery.


Arlington House, the Robert E. Lee Memorial • Arlington, VA
While not directly dedicated to Lincoln, Arlington House holds historical significance due to its connection to the Custis-Lee family, including Robert E. Lee and his wife Mary Custis Lee, who was the great-granddaughter of Martha Washington. Located inside Arlington National Cemetery, the house overlooks the city and offers a view that Lincoln saw many times during the Civil War.


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