James Brown • Author

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We already know Virginia is for lovers, and that means book lovers, too! From picture books to educational treasures, now’s a great time to support our local DMV talent:

James Brown
James Brown, a skilled researcher and analyst, ensures his books are filled with many interesting facts. After serving in the US Navy for 20 years, this veteran now resides in Fauquier County, where he founded Tinsel Thyme Press with his wife, Nichole.

James’ books reflect his varied interests as a local Fauquier history buff, an expert on Santa, and an aficionado of Christmas, his favorite holiday. Explore James Brown’s books online.

‘Twas the Night Before Christmas According to Santa
‘Twas the Night Before Christmas is so well-known that many can recite lines by heart until this fun, clever adaptation has Santa as the storyteller.  In this fresh new twist, the reader will experience this classic tale through the jolly eyes of good ol’ St. Nick!

Santa Visits the Old Jail
Have you ever wondered what Santa likes to do when he has a day off from the North Pole?  Find out as you join Santa and his reindeer team on their visit to Warrenton, Virginia. As Santa embarks on his personal tour of the Old Jail museum, you will discover new things about the past, the Old Jail, and even Santa himself in this creative and informative tale.

Beyond the Beard: Exploring the Collective History of Santa
Throughout this book, the facts and myths surrounding Santa are explored and explained.  Discover the connections between Saint Nicholas and Santa Claus, the links between marketing campaigns and modern Santa, and the extraordinary impact Santa has had on American culture. Of special interest is the detailed timeline of important Christmas milestones. This book will intrigue the curious, excite the historian, and inspire the Christmas lover; it is a true gem.

Historical Places of Warrenton
Warrenton, Virginia, is a living museum with its historic structures and landmarks. Experience the amazing atmosphere and explore the historical and architectural treasures hidden in plain sight as this book walks you through the streets of Old Town, Warrenton.