Be Washington: It’s Your Turn to Lead

By DullesMoms, Feb 2018

Included in your admission to George Washington’s Mount Vernon, you’re invited to take part in a dynamic experience that allows you to put yourself in George Washington’s shoes: Be Washington: It’s Your Turn to Lead!

In a dedicated theatre, you’ll be presented with the same challenges and scenarios George Washington faced, including The Battle of Second Trenton, The Whiskey Rebellion, The Genet Affair, and more.

For each scenario, you’ll control an interactive kiosk that will allow you to choose whom to take advice from, including Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and more. Act on their counsel and see how your opinions differ or align with how Washington carried out decisions. During this interactive opportunity, you’ll also have the chance to see how your opinions compare to your neighbors.

In the end, you’ll have a greater appreciation for the tough job George Washington faced. You’ll also get a glimpse into why he is one of the most celebrated Americans in history, as well as our nation’s first President.


George Washington’s Mount Vernon • Mt. Vernon, VA (Map)


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