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On December 7, 2024, visit the District’s waterfront for the Holiday Boat Parade! This iconic DC event is a great place to kick-off the holiday season, as it has grown to feature more than 60 beautifully decorated boats parading along the Washington Channel!
Additional festivities include fun for all ages! Enjoy ornament decorating and s’more roasting at the Camp Wharf fire pit. The 45′ Christmas tree is a perfect photo op, or stick around to find the jolly old man himself, as Santa will be there for some picture taking, too! Lace up your skates for a spin around The Wharf Ice Rink, or enjoy one of the many open restaurants.
The full event lineup of festivities can be found here. Dress for the weather and enjoy this annual event!
Dec 7, 2024
The Wharf • Wash, DC
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