Puppet Play @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Gather up the littles and join in for stories and songs with puppets…

Math Puzzlers @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Cascades Library invites children to challenge their brains with stories and activities that revolve around math puzzles…

Eat Local Read Local Festival @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Meet 70+ local authors selling and signing their books and sample the eats of local food trucks…

Summer Sing-Along @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Sing, stomp, and clap along to new and familiar songs…

Lunch & Learn for Kids @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Bring your lunch and a blanket, and enjoy listening to recorded music…

Family Bingo @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Play the classic game to win prizes…

Rock, Paper, Scissors @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Listen to the story The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors, by Drew Daywalt…

Kid Olympics @ Cascades Library

Cascades Library 21030 Whitfield Pl., Potomac Falls, VA, United States

Children will learn about the real Olympic games, participate in indoor-friendly events…

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